Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Le Tour - Stage 4

Last night saw the team time trial stage (absent from the tour since 2005) which at times resembled an episode of 'Its a knockout' or 'Wipeout'. 

The crashes were spectacular (see team BBox) and comical (see Menchov, Ballan and Van Den Broeck), and ultimately affected some of the serious contenders, namely Evans, Menchov and Sastre.

What the stage also illustrated was the potential rift that could undermine Astana's tour aspirations. During the warm up the tension between Armstrong and Contador was more obvious that Dolly Parton's cleavage in a bikini.  Whilst you cannot argue with Armstrong's desire to succeed, you have to empathise for Contador who must be feeling like the black sheep with so many people cheering for his 'number 2' rider Armstrong. It will be interesting to see if Armstrong continues with his surge at the expense of his own team mate or whether he learns to take a back seat and do the role that he was apparently hired to do, that is, help Contador to win the Tour.

Last nights results were:
  1. Astana 46 minutes 29 seconds
  2. Garmin-slipstream + 18 secs
  3. Saxo-Bank +40 secs
  4. Liquigas +58 secs
  5. Columbia + 59 secs
Overall standings:
  1. Cancellara (Swi/Saxo Bank) 10 hrs 38 mins 7 secs
  2. Armstrong (US/Astana) same time
  3. Contador (Spa/Astana) +19 secs
  4. Kloden (Ger/Astana) +23 secs
  5. Leipheimer (US/Astana) +31 secs

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