Thursday, March 8, 2012

GreenEdge storm the European cycling castle

Overnight, Australia's professional cycling team, GreenEdge, stormed to victory in its first ever competitive team time trial in stage one of the week long Tireno-Adriatico. This tour, often called the Race of Two Seas, is a seven stage tour held early in the cycling season and is generally the lead up race to the San-Remo classic.

GreenEdge blew away rivals like the Big Bad Wolf. The RadioShack-Nissan team, featuring four time world time trial champion Fabian Cancellara, were no match finishing second a whopping 17 seconds behind GreenEdge over the 16.9km course. The manner of the victory was even more comprehensive given that Cadel Evans, last year's winner of this tour, and his BMC team finished in 16th position more than 1minute behind GreenEdge.  

If the European cycling super teams didn't think much of GreenEdge's entry into the cycling big time, they do now. Yes it is early days, but GreenEdge's intentions are clear....the boxing kangaroo on two wheels is here to shake up the establishment.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

London Olympics - Athletics

Sally Pearson continued her dominant Australian summer season form last night with a blistering 12.49s in the 100m hurdles at the wet Melbourne Track Classic. It was her fourth fastest time ever and to do it so early in her personal season (she is, like all other athletes this year, tailoring her season to peak at the London Olympics in July-August 2012) sends a massive warning to her rivals.  It would have won her the gold medal at the Beijing Olympics.

Henry Frayne also proved that Australia's long jump stocks are higher than Warren Buffets personal wealth. Last night he jumped 8.09m to prove that his 8.27m last month at the Sydney Track Classic (an Olympic qualifying jump) was no fluke.

He joins World Championship silver medallist Mitchell Watt, World Indoor Champion Fabrice Lapierre, Chris Nofke and Robbie Crowther as being the jumpers in line to represent Australia at London. Watt is already there having been pre-selected, but there is only one other spot available. I am no mathematician but 4 into 1 does not go. Frayne has already jumped the Olympic qualifying length in the Triple Jump (his preferred event). Lapierre has a longer personal best than Frayne but must out-jump Frayne at or before the national trials to push Frayne aside for the second jumping role. Nofke and Crowther are currently outside chances but have all jumped over the Olympic qualifying marks. To discount them would be foolish. The selectors have a tough call to make, but if only there was a long jump relay team...

Out of sports hibernation

Summer has not been a particularly sporting one with plenty of rain and and cringeworthy reality tv shows saturating people's attention. Sadly neither of these look like staying away, but the sports media industry in Australia is about to come alive and slap people out of this dreary summer daze with a triple macchiato coffee's worth of Australian winter sport.

That's right people, footy is upon us and you can feel the excitement in the streets rising. The scarves and team jerseys' are coming out along with the time honored sensual scent of moth balls. General banter between mates and opposing fans is increasing and becoming riskier than Angelina Jolie's dress split. The smell of deep heat and liniment is replacing ye old faithful 'old spice' as the dominant scent of weekend battles fought and won (if a phone number is gained).

Whatever your footballing addiction, aussie rules, league or union, the beginning of seasons 2012 are underway in a big way! Game on!

Union's Supper Rugby has started with a big bang (no not that dodgy tv sitcom)! From the first two rounds played, the average points scored in the games has been 47.6, whereas the winning margin has been a paltry 8.3 points. Already nail biting is trending on #twitter and facebook and we still have 17 rounds to go! So far the teams are still finding their feet and it is hard to say whether any particular team will dominate the competition, but so far, cue fireworks for the entertainment!

League's Thursday night kick off was a resounding success! The Knights v Dragons was a sell out, it produced a thrilling game, and it was a tv ratings bonanza. It also lulled the everyday worker into thinking that the weekend had arrived one day early! Just when the blues were setting in as the workers realised that there was still one day to go in the working week, more league was upon us with the Eels v Broncos game. Ahhhh relax again. Big things are expected from the Bennett lead Knights but the Storm,  Tigers, Bulldogs, Manly Warriors and perhaps the Bunnies might have something to say this season.

Aussies Rules has been the slow burner of the three main codes. The NAB Cup has been simmering away in the background in the past few weeks, whilst the main course is due start in three weeks time. The NAB Cup provides aussie rules tragics with the entrée but only really provides supporters with an indication of new talent coming through rather than the form of the team that will play regularly in the normal season. With GWS coming into the competition this year, it will be interesting to see whether they can fair better than the Suns in their first year. Many a predicting a win less season, but with Sheedy and Williams on the coaching staff, that may be a little bit naive...

Before we know it, finals footy will be upon us, but in the meantime, enjoy the emotional roller coaster of following your team(s) each weekend.